Song: Here In Between

MP3 File

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Here In Between

Powerpoint Lyrics

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Original Piano


Here In Between

Here in between the death and life

Of broken God and risen Christ

We watch and wait, we kneel and pray

For hope to breathe at break of day

The temple torn by sacrifice

How can this be the way?

The Son of God nailed to a tree

This is not how we thought it'd be

Your condemnation makes no sense

An act of hate and violence

We broke the bread and spilled the wine

How can this be the way?

Within this day of Sabbath rest-

A gift to those whom you have blessed-

Your peace transforms our hearts content

In this already and not yet

In stillness beats the drum of life

How can this be the way?

Your never-ending sovereignty

Still flickers with eternity

It brightens fading eventide

The gospel hums of mercy wide

Oh Lord of Life, open Your eyes

You are the only way.